I know a lot of people don't know how to follow // support a blogger blog, so here all the steps to following it!
Why would someone want to support a blog? When supporting a blog, it helps that blog become more popular. When you really enjoy reading that persons blog, by following it allows you to go to that blog faster than googling it.
What does supporting a blog, really mean? Supporting a blog means you are basically showing publicly that you like that blog. An example: on Facebook when you find a certain page you enjoy, you will "like" that page, so you can always go back to it, or see it through your home feed. Well the same goes for a blog. When you "follow" a blog you are basically "liking it."
What do you have to have in order to support someone's blog? In order to follow someone's blog (this is only for a blogger blog) you must have a twitter, yahoo, or gmail account.
Down below are a few steps to following my blog, with using a gmail account! :)
first on my blog, on my side bar you will see underneath my sign that says "FOLLOWERS" there is a box of everyone who is following my blog. So in order to get started click the blue little box that says "JOIN THIS SITE."
then you'll see this pop up next...
here i am showing you how to follow my blog using a gmail account but feel free to use any account you have, so click on the "google" where the arrow is pointing! Then your next step is this...
then once you've put in your information, you click "sign in" then complete the next step...
so click on "follow this blog" when the arrow is pointing. then the last step is....
then click "done" where is arrow is pointing and then your all set, and now able to follow my blog :)