
logging is my everything, and this blog means the world to me. However, blogging isn't number one priority in my life because I'm a college student writing for pleasure, not for business or money. So as you've witnessed, I tend to fall off the blogging wagon from time to time. I've really been trying to figure out how I can stop this from happening, as well as being more organized with my blog. It's so important for me to keep my posts flowing, and keeping contact with fellow bloggers I love so much!

The world of bloggers do an excellent with sharing their tips + tricks of their trade, and that's why I love this community a lot. It's full of people coming together to help each other grow, and learn. Hence my post today, all dedicated to sharing my process of planning posts for ABH. So here is the behind-the-scenes of it all.

1. BRAIN STORMING: This one is a must, and obviously the first step to producing unique content. I keep a notebook in my purse/backpack at all times, because of my constant ideas, or life happenings. My biggest way to spark new ideas is Pinterest, (duh). However, I try really hard not to copy any ideas completely, but put my own spin on things...making it more special for ABH readers to understand the purpose of this blog. I also will browse on Instagram, and some of my favorite bloggers to see their archives.

2. SCHEDULE: Ideally I love to schedule two weeks worth of posts in advance, so that it gives me time to either a) take a break and unplug, a time of recharging my inspirational ideas or b) begin working on another two weeks posts to add to the calendar. Having a schedule helps me stay on track, preparing for photography shots, post writing, photo editing, social media marketing, etc. This way everything is laid out perfectly.

3. CONSIDER YOUR AUDIENCE: I stated above that I try to keep my readers in mind with brain storming. It's important to remember your purpose as a blogger, as well as your strengths. You may fall in love with a post idea, or photography layout for your photos, yet if it's not "you" don't bother recreating the idea. I'll be honest, I know that manicures will never be shown here on the blog because I'm not in love with my hands, or fingers. Yet I know that my travel guides, and coffee talk posts are my highlights of ABH. So really use this tip whenever you have a post idea!

4. LIFE HAPPENS: Adjust your post schedule when life get's in the way and changes things. When I'm traveling or my homework piles up, my time for blogging is limited, and then a lot of things never are completed for my blog. A lot of times, I was relying on visiting a certain place, or trying a new ice cream spot for photos, yet with change of plans that never fell through and then I was out of a post for the next few days. That's something I've really had to learn, and also that it's okay if things don't fall through like you plan. Admit when life happens, and when you do that's a real blogger, a.k.a welcome to my life.

1 comment

  1. I fllow you on Instagram too and everything you post, blog and instagram, is always so pretty and organized. I wasn't lucky on that. I couldn't get people just 2 people to follow my blog but even then they hardly leave a comment. I still have a blog but I have to think what to post about. :(


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