
tarting a blog isn't easy. It takes time, and a lot of work to make it become what you dream. Followers don't come flooding through. Success doesn't happen overnight! So today I thought I'd share with you four things I wish I would have known when I began blogging. All of these tips truly work, and should definitely be taking into consideration.

Blogging isn't easy, nor simple. When I write and plan for a blog posts it usually takes me close to an hour, and taking some snapshots for the post can take another hour. Honestly, I don't think I spend enough time blogging, but here's my tip no matter if you're a new blogger or been in the atmosphere for five years. You can always add in more posts as you go. Set your bar low, and then work your way up. If you have expectations that are too high, and can't meet them ultimately your stats will go down!

Creative content is the most important aspect about blogging! If you're starting your own blog then consider branching out of your comfort zone and trying new things. The bloggers that have the spotlight are constantly trying new hobbies, DIY's, and fashion trends!

This concept comes into play with an editorial calendar! Keeping up on your weekly scheduled posts is important! If you're interested in seeing how you can plan out your weekly/monthly posts then check out a post I recently did!

This is the one tip that speaks volumes! I still have to remind myself this one! Success doesn't just happen, instead it takes months if not years to gain spotlight. I have a post that talks in depth about this topic, so I won't say too much here.



andles are a slight obsession of mine! I've even made my friend a tad bit obsessed as well (you know who you are:). I have so many candles in my room, I need to buy a basket for my closet for a place to store them. I have a candle for every season, so I'm bringing out my summer candles and talking about my three faves. My favorite place to buy candles is Bath & Body Works, and also Anthropology! Each brands burn for a long time without the smell fading, plus the scent of the candle always burns better than it smells!

The candle shown above is Vanilla Coconut from Bath & Body Works and it smells like Hawaii! It reminds me of a tropical island because the coconut is so sweet. This candle has a beautiful ombre jar and it looks beautiful when lit. 

                                                COCONUT MILK MANGO

I absolutely love this candle, it's probably my favorite one I own! They also have a perfume in this scent which i also own, I just can't seem to get enough of this scent! I love the tin jar that it comes in, and the size it perfect for my room. This candle burns up to 50 hours, and I bought it for around twenty dollars! You can find it at Anthropologie. So yes I'm obsessed with cute notebooks, candles, Starbucks, but I'm also a sucker when it comes to adorable packing!! This candle is the perfect example of just that.

                                          VANILLA CUPCAKE 

This candle is practically all used up, but I had to share it anyway. This one is from Bath & Body Works, and is your classic cupcake scent. Nothing is special about this candle, other than the fact that this sweet scent doesn't give me a headache like some others will. I love candles that are sweet and dessert like chocolate, doughnuts, brownie, or cake batter. So if you like these types of scents too, then you'll like vanilla cupcake for sure.


8.11.2015 O‘ahu, Hawaii, USA

his photo shoot has been the one I've been saving, because it was taken back when I traveled to Oahu. Sadly, it is the only outfit shoot I captured in Oahu, unlike my Maui trip. But, I couldn't be happier with the lighting and plumeria flower in my ear! Looking back on these photos, make me miss this little corner of paradise! It was such a peaceful week. Hawai'i was such an inspiring place for me, and I gathered so many thoughts and ideas for my blog! I've been home now for over a month, and my editorial calendar is now filled with many wonderful posts and I have this ocean blue water to blame!

Where I captured these photos was my favorite spot at where we stayed. Off the patio some narrow stairs lead down to our private beach, and every time I would walk down, I felt like I was in a movie. Green, beautiful flowers covered the whole bottom steps, making it impossible to step down without the branches touching the top of your head, and blocking the view. It reminded me of those moments in a movie when the main characters would walk in the jungle and move a big leaf curtain that hid a beautiful view. Yes, this is exactly how I felt. You can see it from these photos too, the branches totally hide the ocean view when coming down the stairs! Anyways, I'm glad I captured these photos here, to remind me exactly how I felt in these moments when I'd walk down these steps!



his summer I had an idea to start a book club here on A Beautiful Heart! Summer = reading so it just made sense. I'm so excited to begin this new feature every month on the blog and I'm calling it #ABHBOOKCLUB. So for the month of July the book I announced a few weeks ago is The Help by Kathryn Stockett. To make it a little more fun and enjoyable to talk about the book, I am going to make a video on my YouTube channel that way a blog post won't be too terribly long. Now, at the end of every video or blog posts (depending on what I choose) I will announce the next book for the upcoming month! This way you can buy the book yourself and join the conversation and put in your comments for me to answer + feature in my video!

The Help was a great book, and I'm so glad I choose it to begin the book club. I hope you all loved it too, and to explain more about the book club and all my ideas, so let's dive into the discussion. Be sure to leave your comments of the book and even the movie if you've seen it, that way we can begin a roaring discussion for the book! Hearing your thoughts are the best part. Yay, for the book club (insert dancing girl emoji here)!!!

The Help was written so well, and I adored it just as much as the movie! I cheated and watched the movie first, so it was just this month that I picked up the book and read it. I love being able to see if a book is better than a movie, and if a movie follows the same idea and climax as the book! So for this month instead of taking completely about the book and everything I loved about it, I'm going to answer a few questions that I was able to pull out from it, and use as a perfect way to talk about the characters and certain moments throughout the story.

1. Do you think personality is shaped by the community/times a person lives in? Yes I believe a personality is shaped and molded by the times in one lives in. I can see this most in Miss Hilly, because she really treated the blacks so poorly. She didn't view them as human beings with the same privileges, and rights as her family. Your opinions from certain topics grow from the people around you, and what you've been taught/seen your whole life. The same with Hilly. She grew up watching others treat the help with such a mean spirit. How else was she suppose to act? The entire community felt the way she did, therefore she'd lose her reputation if she acted and treated the help anyother way. Her actions however towards the help are not justified just because of the community she lives in, but I think that because of the time/community that she lived in played a huge role in her decisions and opinions.

2. Do you think Miss Hilly went to far with Minnie's pie? I completely understand why she brought Hilly this pie, but I certainly could never go that far as to seek revenge (or at least that cruel;). The part in the book was truly hilarious, and I loved the way Hilly's mom reacted to the pie!

3. Who do you think is the bravest character? Most would say Abilene, but personally I would say Skeeter. Skeeter risked her reputation, chance of being caught by the law, and her dream as a female author. She was brave by visiting Abilene in her own home, and accepting her and her stories for who/what they were. She was willing to step foot into a neighborhood where she was the only white woman around.

4. Favorite part of the whole book? My absolute favorite scene of the entire book, was when Johnny Foote, Celia's husband, was driving home from work and spotted Minnie walking up to his house, and he stopped the car and Minnie began to scream and run away. The fear of being caught and doing something behind his back, scared her so bad. I loved it when Johnny helped her up, and insisted on carrying the grocery's she carried in her hands. To me this is such a beautiful act of accepting Minnie and thanking her for helping his wife. The scene get's even better when they both step inside the house and Celia cooked a beautiful turkey dinner, as a way to honor her husband by providing a home prepared meal, and Minnie for her help. When the three of them sit down for dinner, Johnny pulls out the Minnie's chair and made her feel like more of a special guest than a maid of the home. Ah, I can't say how much I loved this honorable deed.

5. Theme of the novel? I believe the theme of the book is definitely courage. Courage to stand up for what's right. Courage to express how you feel. Courage to take hold of your dreams and make them real no matter the situations that come up. Courage is most seen through Skeeter, Aibileen, and Minnie.

Comment below, answer these questions for yourself...and let me know how you liked the book! Hope you enjoy this new monthly feature here on the blog!! 

p.s. The next book for the month of August is "Introvert's in the Church by Adam S. Mchugh." If you don't own the book then comment below your thoughts about being an introvert or extrovert and share your opinions on the subject to be featured here on the blog! 



othing super fancy today, just a casual outfit for the summertime! This outfit has been the most "dressy" of them all. Pathetic, yes! But, my summer has been very laid back and relaxed. Lately, I've been feeling that summer time cleaning bug. You know the bug that makes you want to raid through your closet, junk drawers, and school binders. It's the month to buy new school supplies and more outfits. So that's exactly what I've been up to. I believe it's the sunshine that's turned me into the crazy organizer gal. I've already cleaned out my closet, re-decored my cork board, gone through my jewelry box, and started a new furniture project! Even though my summer has been somewhat calm, it's been very productive! Nothing feels better than getting work done!

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