
Many of you know I have a YouTube channel that is dedicated to all things beauty and fashion! I love filming videos about my recent hauls, tags, beauty reports, monthly favorites, seasonal outfit ideas, and occasionally DIY's! One type of video I've been loving to watch recently is daily vlogs. I like to summarize vlogging as basically a home video for teenagers to look back on. I enjoy getting to know the girls behind their channel (as well for blogging), having a peek into their real life, and seeing that they aren't all fake like they can act on their main channel. So here comes the exciting part....

I have decided to create a sister channel (if you will), and begin the world of vlogging for myself! For me vlogging seems like a video diary, so a live version of my blog basically. I probably won't be a daily vlogger, but here's what you will see on my vlog channel; vacation getaway trips, outings with friends, summer activities, and behind the scene filming and photo shoots! My channel is obviously about my life happenings, along with the people I hang out with. So hence the reason why this little voice inside of me said don't let anyone see your videos, no one will watch them, your life isn't exciting enough, your life won't be private anymore...and the list goes on. The more I began to think about this topic, the less I cared. I don't care if anyone watches my vlogs. It doesn't matter how many comments, or views I reach. I'm going to be proud of my the things I do. You can judge me all you won't, because in the end no one is perfect.

I enjoy editing, and yes I'll admit, taking to the camera! I want to remember certain days and trips not just through photos but video too. I feel like vlogging is the perfect way for me to do that. So if you'd like to follow me around with friends, family, & my puppy Lily on crazy/fun outings to the mall, vacations, coffee dates, and even film days, than I'd love to welcome you along for the ride! My channel (aside from A Beautiful Heart), is called Jenna Leigh Vlogs. Now sit back, relax, grab a cup of coffee, and enjoy the ride into my life!

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