5 Ways To Get Outside More


n Southern California summer is right around the corner and I am feeling all the feels. I literally become a different person when the sun is out. Over the weekend, I woke up early, made my bed, went on a walk with my dog, and treated myself to a Starbucks drink. It was the best weekend (mentally) I've had in a long time.

So, I just starting thinking about how I can enjoy the sunshine even more, since it's been helping me so much. I came up with a list below of five ways to take advantage of the spring/summer weather. I love exploring new places so hopefully this will also be an incentive for me to take the time to try new things. What do you do to enjoy the outdoors? 

1.Attend local events. 
Farmer's markets, concerts in the park, or festivals are great way to soak up some sun, along with being involved in your community.

2. Eat outside.
This is such a powerful shift in your daily routine when trying to be conscious of enjoying the outdoors a little bit more. I've been trying to implement this whenever I go to a restaurant. I normally refuse sitting out on the patio at eatery places due to the service, but there is nothing like some vitamin D and natural sun light when out and about.

3. Watch a sunset.
This is my favorite of them all! Watching a sunset is just so peaceful, and I love the way it makes me feel so happy. A great thing about a sunset is that everyone can experience this whether at the beach, mountains, or city.

4. Take a walk in your neighborhood.
I've been doing this a lot lately with my dog. She has been full of energy recently so being outside with her has helped in that department, haha!

5. Explore your local park or garden.
For those of you who live in a city this is an easy way to step into nature. I am a tad envious of the parks that surround New York. But, for myself here in Southern California, I'm planning a trip to Balboa Park to see all there gardens.

I'm Feelin' 22



Listening to a lot of Taylor Swift today (thanks, Hannah), because I'm turning 22! I've been celebrating all weekend long in La Jolla for a shopping spree, and a beach day in Carlsbad with my friends! Seriously been one of my favorites yet. Somehow this year seems exciting to me, even with all of it's uncertainties. 22 isn't a big year, and I'm loving the non pressures that comes with this age, unlike 21.

As I was laying on my towel at the beach yesterday, my friend asked me what's been your favorite part of this year? All I could say was my journey of personal growth. It was the year of teaching myself grace...lots and lots of grace!!

This year, however, will hopefully be the one where I say 'wow look at all that I could handle and accomplish.' College has taught me so much, but it's not over yet! I have a long way to go, but I am so grateful for another year of life to live and learn.

Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes. I truly felt so loved today!!

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