
The new year is always bittersweet for me - it's a time of letting go, and looking forward to the unknown with the new adventures and challenges that the year may bring. I love making lists of all my goals and ideas, and the moment I'm able to take time to reflect on everything I've been able to accomplish. My favorite thing to do is compare my past lists to see all the unfinished plans and I'm able to remember all that I have done and worked hard for. This new year I have many goals that are on my list to accomplish! Goals that I've never cared about before, simple things I want to work on. In 2014 I was able to cross off many of my goals, but this year my desire is to work even harder! 2014 was a very hard year for me and my family in many ways, in all areas. My dad's two brain tumors, living in LA for three weeks, having to stay with my grandparents for a month, financial difficulties, my gluten allergy, and changes in school. But I also have much to be thankful for - support from friends and family, constant prayers from everyone, a trip I took with my grandparents to Maui, meeting new friends, getting out of my comfort zone a little, and becoming stronger through certain challenges.

I have a lot coming my way in 2015 and sometimes it's overwhelming to think of it all, and keep track of everything I need to do. Rather I'm trying to not approach it all with a negative attitude, and just live in the moment not the future. These past few years I've picked a word or phrase to live by for that particular year like 2014 I chose "be brave", and loved how it helped me through everything. I've been thinking a lot of what word to pick for this new year and I've finally narrowed it down to "persevere." Keep going when things get rough and I feel stuck or scared of new challenges. This year I am going to be driving, turning 18, graduation high school, and starting college, and right now it all seems daunting and scary. What's a better reminder than "persevere"?

No matter what this year may bring me, it's up to me to decide how to respond to it. I choose to make the most in life remembering of what 2014 brought me and carrying that into 2015, never losing sight of perseverance. Because I know that I will become a stronger person in the end, and that It's better to face problems rather than holding on to them.


  1. Good luck! I think perseverance is something everyone needs to practice because we all have stuff going on in our lives that we need to get through. I hope you persevere this year and that you manage to find a solution or find a way to live though your upcoming events and problems..

    The Life of Little Me

  2. Wow Jenna this is super encouraging and motivating:) I continue to pray for you and your family as you start this year:)Maybe we can start shooting a new video:)) or just a fashion shoot!!
    Love you:)

  3. You have definitely had a challenging year but you have such an optimistic attitude that is so inspirational to others. I will be following and can't wait to see you grow and increase this year


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