The Heart Of It | Authenticity


veryday it seems like my side hustle 'blogging' isn't so uncommon like it was six years ago when I started. When I went to my University it was strange to find someone who didn't blog, haha. I love blogging. The community has always been kind to me. And now it's growing like crazy. Unless I check my bloglovin' account everyday, I can't keep up with the amount of content that comes through my feed. Sometimes it doesn't matter, though.

For as much content I read on a daily basis, I can't recall much. Not a lot these days seem to stay with me. Weekly link up's, latest brands that are on sale, and world travels are the only type of posts bloggers know how to produce. And I'm sorry (I'm not really) any more 'swipe up' comments from anyone on Instagram is going to lose my following.

Why doesn't anyone share important life updates anymore? I'm not talking about the ones during graduation, him down on one knee, or the wedding ceremony. I'm suggesting the moments of our lives that seem scary or sad.

Believe me, I'm so guilty of this. I shared photos of my time at University, but not so much about the roommate troubles or the scene in the cafeteria of my ex-roommate attacking my reasons for switching dorms. It's hard to allow strangers into our stories, because our experiences are unlike anyone else's.

Most situations in our lives already require us to be vulnerable, so why would we put ourselves in that place all over again in a blog post, Instagram photo, or story time in video format?

All I know is that I'm tired of content that becomes undistinguishable.

To me, the joy of reading a blog, compared to social media, is the personality that shines through. I genuinely love learning about people's family, their dog, or hometown. Reading their experiences and how they managed to breakthrough. That to me is worth reading for years to come.

I hope that my blog right here is one that displays true authenticity. I want you all to be able to connect with me on some level. This is a small blog, no brand deals, sponsored content. No presents on my images or luxury trips to Europe. Just a girl who is beginning her senior year in college online (just this last year), in her beachy/PotteryBarn inspired bedroom, learning the joys of single-hood, all while trying to lean on the Lord for guidance. That's it. My content is probably simple, and my site isn't crazy with links or colors. But, it's me.

Blogs are changing and while advancement is always neat, let's not lose our sense of authenticity online anymore. Let's connect through our personal stories, not common interests such as fashion trends or bucket list travel destinations.

{ p.s. my little series "coffee talk" is now changing into "the heart of it." I thought it fit better with the branding of A Beautiful Heart. Coffee photos to start off the post, though, will probably be leaving! } 


  1. I couldn't not agree more! I was thinking about this topic recently, and I think it's because of Instagram. It's become more about the fabulous photos and not so much about the writing that makes you a blogger nowadays. I personally love reading what's on people's hearts and those are the posts I relate to!

    1. YES! I couldn't agree more...being a blogger is SO much more than pretty images.

  2. I really enjoy reading your blog and I am reading more and more personal ones like this these days than I am the ones that are trying to be a "brand." Keep on keeping on... there are so many people who, like you, are missing that real-life content!

  3. Hi girl! I have subscribed to your blog for years and stopped by finally to say how much I am enjoying your weekly blog posts. I used to have one but deleted it. I wish I could blog like you: post events going on in your life, but I am not allowed and I’m bumbed about it. Any advice?

    1. That is so sweet! Thank you so much for commenting, that always makes my day! :) My advice would be to never stop taking photos. Who says we need an internet space to do so? Create a mini scrapbook or journal to keep photos and thoughts down! Believe me, I have quite a few notebooks filled with ideas, questions, and personal feelings. It's the best knowing that someday they won't disappear in the internet world, haha. I hope this helps you!! xo

    2. Aww yay!!! Ooh, that is a great idea! I’ll give it a try! Oh thank you so much!! <3

    3. Of course!! Thank you for reading my blog. xo

  4. Well said, Jenna! Just this week I started to unfollow bloggers/influencers obsessively posting about the Nordstrom sale. I just got tired of seeing it all over my news feed. I find that the more personal posts I've shared have the best traffic/response from readers. As hard as it is for me to be vulnerable at times, it gives my readers something to relate to.

    1. OH YES!!! Me too. That and the Amazon sale at the same time, I was over it! Haha. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. xo

  5. Oh my goodness, this is so good to hear. I just started my blog not that long ago and I feel completely overshadowed by the bloggers who have been around for years. I love the life updates and getting to know the person behind the blog and that's what I want my blog to be. This post encourages me to keep being myself on my blog!

    1. I too feel overshadowed by the more popular blogs out there. But then I realize why I continue to blog, and it all feels worth it!

  6. I loved reading this, and it's so true. Blogging is so much more about products and places we've been, etc, rather than just an update on our everyday lives. I've actually considered started a series where I talk more about our everyday life. This post is really encouraging!

    1. Hello Rav! I'm so glad to hear that this post has inspired you. I think that type of series would be perfect to read :)

  7. Totally agreed! I know one thing that helps me is keeping a journal on me at all times. It's hard to think about the tough moments when you're in the moment trying to blog, but I find that if I journal about tough moments as they happen, I can look back at what I've written to make a coherent blog post.

    1. YES! I love this idea, it's one I try to do a lot.

  8. Yes! I am all about those personal stories and authenticity! Thanks for sharing this!

  9. Well said. This is why I love reading your blog!


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