Life Lately + Fall Bucket List


So fall is here, and the past few days in Cali it's actually felt like it too! Granited our trees haven't shown off their gorgeous bright colors like Washington, or Colorado, but at least the 70 degree weather is a change! Scarfs still aren't an option, so sad but I'm hoping it'll come by Thanksgiving!! Below is my fall bucket list, which I'm really hoping to complete with my besties these next few months! Be sure to leave a comment below telling me where you'd like to go this fall, or any special plans you'd like to put together!

Loving: Okay can we please just talk about fall drinks? So I've recently tried the pumpkin spice latte, and I actually didn't like it (big shocker, I know). I've been wanting to taste it for a while now, because it seems to be the big talk this fall, but it was so rich and pumpkin-y! Bummed, but I found something better...a chai iced latte! If you like chai tea, then this latte should be right up your alley. Just loving holiday drinks, aren't you?

Waiting For: Thanksgiving break, because a break from school is what I'm needing right now! My classes have been super difficult this year, so I'm having to put out so much energy. Also, Thanksgiving with my family is always so special.

Dreaming Of: Apple picking! Above is a photo I made with some of my goals I'd love to complete this fall, and of course apple picking has to be one of them! Every fall we try to make it up the mountain to our favorite little spot, Riley's Farm! I've posted about it a few times before on this blog, but this time I'd love to try a few new things!


1 // Head over to my current new favorite board on Pinterest!
2 // Maiedae's coffee talk weekly post all about their favorite books...makes me want to go pick them all up!!
3 // LOVE this video! Just great for the fall time and how to stay cozy in your room.



Mascara has always been tricky for me, because I feel like there are a thousand different brands to chose from, and every single one has something different about them. Whether it's the size of the brush, price, color, extends your lashes, or makes them fuller everyone offers something that another brand won't! When I was first introduced to makeup at the age of 13, I only wore eyeliner and mascara and during my Jr. High years I barely even wore mascara because I felt like you couldn't tell I was wearing it anyways. But over the years as I've felt more comfortable playing around with more makeup looks and applying it, I have realized how important mascara can be. No matter how black, long, or full your eyelashes are I think mascara can still complete the look to any eye.

With that being said, it's so difficult finding a brand that suits you and your eyelashes. Today I am going to share with you three of my top favorite mascara's and each one if from a different brand, and (bonus) each mascara specializes in how they work for different eyelashes!

Rimmel London Extra Super Lash is my favorite drug store mascara because I works great when your on the go, or in a hurry! This isn't the best for making your lashes look long, but they definitely make them look dark and black! That is extremely important to me when trying new mascara's because my eyelashes are already so dark, that like I said before sometimes you can't tell I wear any, therefore the Rimmel London does a great job with that! I also love that I can apply two coats to each eye without feeling like I need to save it and make it last because of how cheap it is!

MAC is probably the best brand you could ever buy! Every single one of their mascara's are incredible, and last for a long time. This mascara is amazing because it doesn't flake, or dry up, rather it lasts all day and when it's allergy season and your eyes are watering you won't have to worry about your mascara smearing!

Clique lash doubling mascara is definitely my all time favorite! This mascara is the only one that actually makes my lashes look long and full compared to the others I've tried! I also love using their lash building primer mascara because that just really makes my eyelashes look bold and long! The brush is super nice and long, and not too big and fluffy!

The Heart Of It | Change


Lately, I've been thinking a lot about change. Specifically how a person changes along with life changing moments. Change has never been easy for me, in fact I hate it. I enjoy routine and structure, and having roots. As I am a senior in high school and almost off to college, the thought of change has crept into my mind more than I'd like. The idea of my life completely changing scares me. The new beginnings with my location campus, teachers, friends all moving in different directions, driving, working, and the fact that I'm no longer a teenager anymore, but rather more like an adult. Not only is my life going to change but I know I will in the process.

I think we as humans become upset at change because we become so stuck in our old way of doing things. We wish certain friends wouldn't grow apart, or our favorite bands didn't switch up their direction with their music. When we've been following a blog for a few years and enjoy their content the last thing we want is for them to create a whole new vibe and feel to their blog. Therefore we see that in people also, we don't want them to change because we love who they already are. But I'm constantly having to remind myself that growth isn't all bad as it sometimes can be played out to be.

So as my life continues to change, shape, and mold me and my character I pray it only changes for the better. I want to grow and push myself out of my comfort zone. With that being said, I want to embrace change and growth because through it is learning for the better. I know that just through high school I've changed in more ways than one. I'm not the same girl I was two years ago when I started this blog. I have more skills, and dreams, and experience now than I ever did before. I have to admit my blog will always change in some way, shape, or form because the girl creating the content will continue to change.

I love where I am now, but I can't stay here forever. Forward motion has to be made, and I'm excited to experience new opportunities. Change will always be in my way, but I'm trying to not let that fact control my emotions. I will miss high school and the easier way of my life. The freedom that comes with less responsibilities, but there is a season for everything. Fighting against change will only make things worse, therefore embracing it is the only option I have left. "Don't be afraid of change, you may loose something good, but you may gain something better."



I believe it's time I got a little more personal here on the blog, and share with you some random facts about me and my life! Blogging is my daily online journal, life photo snaps, and my corner of inspiration. I've expressed many times before how much I love pouring out my thoughts through the coffee talk posts, so I thought it was time to share not just my opinion on things, but rather about me personally! It's so easy to get caught up photographing beautiful outfits, and beauty shoots, without including how I feel, or what's new in my world. The past few months I've been able to learn more about the bloggers behind my favorite blogs, so I hope your able to do the same with me and my blog. So without further ado...

1. My middle name is Leigh. So I love it when people call me Jenna Leigh, especially by my grandparents.

2. My favorite meal is probably a classic hamburger!

3. I'm gluten free, because of health reasons. I can't lie, it can be a struggle when gluten is placed right in front of me, but I've had to realize that it's better to feel good than to take a bite of something that won't last, and make me feel sick!

4. I graduate high school in 2015 yay! Being a senior has been so much fun and definitely worth the long years of waiting. My friend recently just made me a senior survival kit with everything you need to "survive" your senior year such as essentials and fun items! So far, that has been a huge highlight, and I'm so blessed by her sweet gift!

5. I am the oldest in my family, with only one younger sister who I'm very close with!

6. You probably wouldn't think this at first but I enjoy a very large range of music! Country, Christian, Pop, R&B, and the list goes on.

7. I dream of visiting Paris, sitting in a little coffee shop with a view of the Effie Tower.

8. I'm a born and raised California girl.

9.  I so badly want to go to college, and become a dental hygienist!! Say Whattt, your probably thinking yuck! Ha-ha, amirite?

10. My favorite quote is, "Live in such a way that if anyone should speak badly of you, no one would believe it."

11. I'm not much of a morning person, and I have no idea how I'm able to wake-up for school, but I'd admit half the time I literally have to roll out of bed.

12. My ideal night would be watching a good movie with a bowl of chocolate ice cream.

13. I'm a sucker for all things that shine! I'm kinda in love with glitter.

14. Candles that smell like vanilla or anything sweet, is a huge obsession of mine.

15. I love surprises!

16. Coffee shops are my favorite place to sit and chat with a friend.

17. I hardly ever wear earrings. Studs, yes. But I always seem to forget about dangling ones.

18. Give me a leather jacket and heels and I will feel like I can take on the world.

19. I hate seaweed and I'm scared to death of heights!

20. I love my long hair and swear that I'll never cut it, but every time it reaches the length I like it, I decide to chop it off again! It's safe to say that I change my mind all the time.

21. I'm a sucker for adorable packaging!

22. I believe Anne of Green Gables will always be my favorite movie, & I need to get my hands on the book because I've heard it's of course better than the movie.

23. Creating different looks with my make-up is slowly becoming a hobby. If I could work at Mac, or Bare Minerals I think I'd loved it!

24. I have so many nail polishes that I don't have any more room in my cabinet. I think it would be a good idea to buy a shelf that way I would display them all oh so beautifully!

25. I love taking photos everywhere I go, or when I'm with friends! I guess I could blame that on being a blogger, but I have to admit being able to capture special moments and being able to look back on them over the years is the best!
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