7 Things No One Tells You About Being A Lifestyle Blogger


logging in many cases has been my world. It has sparked a creative side in me since the moment I heard of the concept and built my own website. It hasn't been an effortless path, though, as I had to teach myself everything. Not too many fellow bloggers were selling templates and ebooks full of advice back in 2011. It truly has become a different blogging world as off three years ago, I think.

Even more than that, I believe the lifestyle blogger is more rare yet appreciated, as so many fashion bloggers seem to run the world now. So, I thought I'd share a few things no one may assume about a lifestyle blogger. I absolutely love it, and wouldn't change it for anything. Many of these things written below have helped me actually! But, of course a few represent the misleading beauty of it all.

If I'm missing anything, share below!! 

1. // You will start buying food based on your location.
Yep, this one is true! If you find the perfect colored backdrop I bet your ice cream cone will no longer be chocolate, but a fun bright color, haha.

2. // Natural light will matter more than anything.
This. Is. Everything. It truly is amazing how this will change my inspiration for a good quality shoot either in my room or around my neighborhood for outfit photos.

3. // More brands will appear on your wishlist.
One thing I struggle with blogging is the amount of products and new items everyone seems to be buying. Of course, this isn't true for everyone. But, it's the little things us lifestyle bloggers need for props or a haul review type of post!

4. // Social media becomes your brand.
Social media has come a long way since I started my blog. In fact, it just took off my very first year. I'll never forget the day I cared about keeping a theme or aesthetic for my feed. For me, however, it's not so much about the image of similar photography, but a display of who I am, along with everything you'll see on my blog.

5. // You are going to find out who your true friends are.
Blogging isn't for everyone, and even though it's popular that doesn't mean people understand if for an everyday lifestyle. I learned very quickly who I could count on to take my outfit photos, or even wait patiently to eat our hot food only for me to Instagram the spread on the table.

6. // Traveling will be seen in a different light.
This one definitely changed for me. Both trips to Hawaii (within one year apart, Maui & Oahu) were both treated so differently. With photography, where I wanted to eat, to what I chose to pack all changed. It's very interesting how I now have this tourist-meets-Instagram-worthy outlook while exploring new places.

7. // You will be vulnerable most of the time.
Oh my! This is obviously different for everyone, but part of being a lifestyle blogger is wearing your heart on your sleeve. Being relatable and honest is something I strive for in every post, but don't think for a minute I don't think about certain people who might be reading!


  1. It is so vulnerable to share our lives online, especially when people we know in real life discover it exists and start checking it out! It's almost easier to just connect with total strangers, ha!

  2. Def agree with the last one! It's really hard to put yourself out there, because you really have no idea who is reading! For me, it's hardest knowing that people who I actually know in real life might be reading.

  3. So so true! Especially related to the vulnerable part! Thanks for sharing

  4. Man oh man, social media has definitely changed the game with all of this lifestyle blogging.
    Also YES MA'AM TO being Vulnerable!

  5. All of these...so true!! I agree especially with the natural light. Upping my photography game has been a game changer!

  6. Blogging is such a vulnerable thing! It's the reason why I debate often quitting blogging because it does take a lot to share your life with the world. I struggle with sharing photos of myself on my blog because of it...and of course my dislike for any photo I have of myself!

  7. Blogging is a very personal business and it is not for the weak at heart. I have seen people criticized for what brand they posted! I was shocked to see someone upset over a piece of clothing. But the blogger handled it well!


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