

Wowee. Five years long of a beautiful journey, one that has made my life so meaningful. Can you believe it's been that long? I started this blog as a freshman in high school, only 14 years old, creating content that is too embarrassing to look back on, yet one's I treasure because without my learning curve my blog wouldn't be where it is today. Time flies when your having fun eh?

Blogging is more of a passion, it's truly my online version of my diary. It's full of my life happenings, opinions on certain topics, and style over the years. What would I do without this space? Even though I've been a bit spacey here and there throughout the years, I can't imagine stop blogging all together in the future.

Some of you have been following me through this journey from the beginning, and for that I thank you! Your comments, and encouragement means the world to me. Being able to make so many blogger friends, is truly my favorite part of this blogging community.

What's coming up? My desire to have my blog grow as I continue to change, and follow me in my life happenings always. I would love to grow my portfolio with more recipes, and coffee talk posts, but only time will tell! :) To make this post all more exciting I selected a few throwbacks from the past six years of A Beautiful Heart, so enjoy!

Thank you so much for sticking around, xoxo.


  1. I'm so excited to see the next steps for your blog! <3
    PS I always love recipe posts, so those will be great to see!

  2. Congrats! So excited to follow along.

  3. I always laugh when I look back my old posts - I started in 2010 with a blog that's not in existence anymore, but I have picture from those posts... man you always grow SO much from when you start!! Congratulations on your 6th year!!

  4. How exciting! Congratulations on 6 years!

  5. Happy Birthday! I love this! I started about the same time ago (well 7 years) but I was in my senior year of college!! hahaha! I love it! So proud of you!

  6. Congratulations! I think I've been blogging about that long too. It's changed so much! I've changed so much! It's cool to have that kind of record of it all. Keep it up!!


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